The news of the death of Mr Edmund Atherton, at the age of 60, which reached town yesterday afternoon, was hardly unexpected. Mr Atherton had been ill for some time past. In fact, a year ago he found it necessary to proceed to Sydney to obtain medical advice in connection with an internal growth, from which his local medical adviser found he was suffering. For the last few mouths Mr Atherton has been residing at his home at Cliftonville, near Plane Creek, where he has received every attention from his family, by whom he was surrounded. During the past month or so he has hardly been able to leave his room, and more lately he was confined to his bed. At times he was unconscious of what was going on, or of who visited him, and he passed away peacefully at 10 a.m. yesterday.
In the death of Mr. Edmund Atherton, Mackav loses one more of her old pioneers, the men who originally helped to open the district, and who have been closely identified with the rise and establishment of the town, and the settlement of the district. Taking up Westhill in 1863 and Plane Creek station in the following year, Mr. Atherton devoted almost his entire attention to grazing. When, however, the Plane Creek Central Mill was projected, he recognised the advantages and importance of the undertaking, and pledged his lands to the Government, as part security for the loan, and at the same time threw them upon to agricultural settlement by the farmers who flocked to the district, he was one of the first directors of the Company and remained on the directorate to the day of his death.
In public matters, Mr. Atherton did his share of the work, which should fall upon all public-spirited men, who aspire to assist forward the fortunes of the community amongst which they live. he occupied a seat on the Pioneer Divisional Board for many years, and recently when he retired genuine expressions of regret were heard on all-sides.
Mr. Atherton leaves behind him a wife and grown up family, consisting of three daughtcrs and three sons. Of the former is married to Dr. Humphrey, and she arrived at Cliftonville a short time only after her father expired. Of the sons one, Mr. Tom Atherton, married. To the family in their bereavement, even though it was not unexpected, general sympathy will be extended. Mr. Richard Atherton was in town at the time of his brother's death, but at once proceeded to Plane Creek to make arrangements for the funeral, which will take place to-day. The deceased will be buried at Cliftonville.
'Atherton, Edmund (1839–1899)', People Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 15 March 2025.
22 April,
8 February,
(aged 59)
Includes subject's nationality; their parents' nationality; the countries in which they spent a significant part of their childhood, and their self-identity.