Sarah Ault and Elizabeth Scott were found guilty, on 21 February 1787 at the Old Bailey, London, of stealing four bridles, value 11 shillings; one bradoon, value 2 shillings; two strap irons, value 1 shilling; and two leather straps, value 1 shilling. Both women were sentenced to seven years transportation. Ault arrived at Sydney in January 1788 aboard the Prince of Wales as part of the First Fleet. She married Edward Flinn at Port Jackson on 28 September 1789; the couple were sent to Norfolk Island on the Sirius on 4 March 1790. Sarah left Norfolk Island on the Fancy on 3 August 1795, her husband left the next month on the Francis. In 1801 Sarah was recorded as 'Gone to England'. Her husband remained in New South Wales.
* information from Mollie Gillen, The Founders of Australia: A Biographical Dictionary of the First Fleet (1989), p 14
'Flinn, Sarah (?–?)', People Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 14 March 2025.