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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website contains names, images, and voices of deceased persons.

In addition, some articles contain terms or views that were acceptable within mainstream Australian culture in the period in which they were written, but may no longer be considered appropriate.

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Browsing occupation: army officer

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  1. Snowden, Sir Robert Eccles (1914-1919)
  2. Stacy, Bertie Vandeleur (1914-1919)
  3. Throssell, Hugo Vivian Hope (1914-1919)
  4. Webster, Sir Robert Joseph (1914-1919)
  5. Whitehead, David Adie (Torpy) (1914-1919, 1940-1946)
  6. Wilder-Neligan, Maurice (1914-1919)
  7. Abbott, Charles Lydiard Aubrey (1914-1920)
  8. Hincks, Sir Cecil Stephen (1914-1920)
  9. McCarthy, Lawrence Dominic (1914-1920)
  10. Murray, Henry William (Harry) (1914-1920, 1939-1944)
  11. Tunbridge, Walter Howard (1914-1920)
  12. Wallis, William Dane (1914-1920)
  13. Dunstan, William (1914-1921)
  14. Owen, Robert Haylock (1914-1921)
  15. Gellibrand, Sir John (1914-1922)
  16. Harper, Robert Rainy (1914-1922)
  17. Langslow, Melville Cecil (1914-1922)
  18. Wootten, Sir George Frederick (1914-1923, 1939-1945, 1947-1950)
  19. Dadson, Leslie (1914-1924)
  20. Woods, Percy William (1914-1926)
  21. Moore, Donald Ticehurst (1914-1929, 1939-1951)
  22. Grimwade, Harold William (1914-1930)
  23. Selby, Arthur Roland (1914-1930)
  24. Campbell, Eric (1914-1932)
  25. Toll, Frederick William (1914-1932)
  26. Hodgson, William Roy (1914-1934)
  27. Stevenson, George Ingram (1914-1935)
  28. Mills, Charles (1914-1937)
  29. Houghton, Sydney Robert (1914-1938)
  30. Gollan, Herbert Roy Pollock (1914-1939)
  31. Henry, Max (1914-1940)
  32. Munro, Edward Joy (1914-1941)
  33. Stansfield, William (1914-1941)
  34. Lynas, William James (Bill) (1914-1942)
  35. Mitchell, John Wesley (Jack) (1914-1944)
  36. Simpson, William Ballantyne (1914-1944)
  37. Evans, Alexander Arthur (1914-1945)
  38. Fergusson, Maurice Alfred (1914-1945)
  39. Mackay, Sir Iven Giffard (1914-1946)
  40. Morshead, Sir Leslie James (1914-1946)
  41. Herrod, Ernest Edward (1914-1947)
  42. Clowes, Cyril Albert (1914-1949)
  43. Boase, Allan Joseph (1914-1951)
  44. Down, John Egbert (1914-1951)
  45. Whitelaw, John Stewart (1914-1951)
  46. Robertson, Sir Horace Clement Hugh (1914-1954)
  47. Rowell, Sir Sydney Fairbairn (1914-1954)
  48. Bierwirth, Rudolph (1914-1956)
  49. Connelly, Clive Emerson (1915-1915)
  50. Drought, Charles Frederic (1915-1915)
  51. Druitt, John Edward (1915-1915)
  52. Lockwood-Graham, Dugald (1915-1915)
  53. Puckle, Charles Edward (1915-1915)
  54. Pulling, Charles Willoughby L. (1915-1915)
  55. Ritchie, Frank Lane (1915-1915)
  56. Sparks, Joseph Edward (1915-1915)
  57. Uther, Gordon Arthvael (1915-1915)
  58. Alford, Gordon Beresford (1915-1916)
  59. Baker, Wallace Westerfield (West) (1915-1916)
  60. Bowen, Cyril John (1915-1916)
  61. Higgins, Mervyn Bournes (1915-1916)
  62. Levetus, Arthur (1915-1916)
  63. Luxton, Sir Harold Daniel (1915-1916)
  64. McCloughry, Edgar James (1915-1916)
  65. Robinson, Harold Frederick W. (1915-1916)
  66. Scobie, Walter Farms (1915-1916)
  67. Smith, Sydney O'Carroll (1915-1916)
  68. Woodyatt, Percy Severn (1915-1916)
  69. Bassett, Sir Walter Eric (1915-1917)
  70. Black, Reginald James (Tim) (1915-1917)
  71. Blackburn, Arthur Seaforth (1915-1917, 1924-1945)
  72. Busby, Frederick William M. (Ferdie) (1915-1917)
  73. Creswell, Randolph William (1915-1917)
  74. Dey, George Roy (1915-1917)
  75. Edwards, William James (1915-1917)
  76. Hartley, John William (1915-1917)
  77. Hennessey, Wynnum Groom (1915-1917)
  78. Howell-Price, Richmond Gordon (1915-1917)
  79. Knox, William Johnstone (Bill) (1915-1917)
  80. Lempriere, Charles Algernon (Charlie) (1915-1917)
  81. Makepeace, Paul (1915-1917)
  82. Marriott, Francis (Frank) (1915-1917)
  83. Morris, James McLaren (1915-1917)
  84. O'Loghlin, James Vincent (1915-1917)
  85. Pope, Charles (1915-1917)
  86. Robertson, Alexander Holcombe (1915-1917)
  87. Rutledge, Harry Forster (Pat) (1915-1917)
  88. Seabrook, William Keith (1915-1917)
  89. Steele, Alexander (1915-1917)
  90. Topp, Samuel James (1915-1917)
  91. Twynam, Edward (Ned) (1915-1917)
  92. Wanliss, Harold Boyd (1915-1917)
  93. Waterhouse, Walter Lawry (1915-1917)
  94. Woodruff, Harold Addison (1915-1917)
  95. Ainsworth, George Frederick (1915-1918)
  96. Anderson, Sir Robert Murray (1915-1918)
  97. Bethune, John Walter (1915-1918)
  98. Borella, Albert Chalmers (1915-1918, 1939-1945)
  99. Bowden, George James (1915-1918, 1918-1919, 1939-1943)
  100. Boyce, Sir Harold Leslie (1915-1918)
  101. Carroll, Cecil James (1915-1918)
  102. Christoe, Gerald Blood (1915-1918)
  103. Cohen, Lewis George (1915-1918)
  104. Compton, George Spencer (1915-1918, 1940-1944)
  105. Cooper, Sir Walter Jackson (1915-1918)
  106. Crowther, Henry Arnold (1915-1918)
  107. Dalley, John Bede (1915-1918)
  108. Dangar, Clive Collingwood (1915-1918)
  109. Duncan-Hughes, John Grant (Jack) (1915-1918)
  110. Dunn, William Fraser (1915-1918)
  111. Durack, Neal (1915-1918)
  112. Eather, Richmond Cornwallis (1915-1918)
  113. Edgerton, Eric Henry Drummond (1915-1918)
  114. Fidler, John Roy (Jack) (1915-1918)
  115. Fowler, Daniel Arthur (Dan) (1915-1918)
  116. Fowler, Hugh Lionel (1915-1918, 1939-1942)
  117. Freeman, Alan Benjamin (1915-1918)
  118. Gordon, Leslie Arthur (1915-1918)
  119. Grant, Ross (1915-1918)
  120. Hallahan, Walter Rewi (1915-1918)
  121. Ham, Wilbur Lincoln (1915-1918)
  122. Hart, Sir Byrne (1915-1918, 1941-1945)
  123. Hassall, Raymond Langley (1915-1918)
  124. Kaeppel, Carl Henry (1915-1918)
  125. Kellway, Cedric Vernon (1915-1918)
  126. Kensit, Percy Cecil (1915-1918)
  127. Kent Hughes, Sir Wilfrid Selwyn (Billy) (1915-1918, 1940-1945)
  128. Kneeshaw, Frederick Percival (1915-1918)
  129. Longstaff, William Frederick (Will) (1915-1918)
  130. Love, James Robert Beattie (1915-1918)
  131. Mackenzie, Seaforth Simpson (1915-1918)
  132. Macleod, John (1915-1918)
  133. Madsen, Sir John Percival Vaissing (Vissing) (1915-1918)
  134. McDougall, Frank Lidgett (1915-1918)
  135. Mitchell, John Tyler (1915-1918)
  136. Moyes, Alban George (Johnny) (1915-1918, 1941-1944)
  137. Mulholland, Duncan Victor (Mul) (1915-1918)
  138. Neale, Stanley Walter (Stan) (1915-1918)
  139. Noall, Alfred James (1915-1918)
  140. O'Hara Wood, Hector (Pat) (1915-1918)
  141. Osborne, Ben Marshall (1915-1918)
  142. Ryrie, Harold Stewart (1915-1918)
  143. Shellshear, Joseph Lexden (Joe) (1915-1918)
  144. Stephenson, Sir Arthur George (1915-1918)
  145. Stevens, Horace Ernest (1915-1918)
  146. Symons, William John (1915-1918)
  147. Taylor, Frank William (1915-1918)
  148. Timmins, Paul Jerome (1915-1918)
  149. Tindal, C. F. (1915-1918)
  150. Williams, Francis Edgar (1915-1918, 1941-1943)
  151. Allen, Arthur Max (1915-1919, 1940-1943)
  152. Anthon, Daniel Herbert (1915-1919, 1939-1948)
  153. Archer, Alister (1915-1919)
  154. Arnold, Thomas Francis (1915-1919, 1939-1945)
  155. Bethune, Frank Pogson (1915-1919)
  156. Booth, Edgar Harold (1915-1919)
  157. Brisbane, Sir Hugh Lancelot (1915-1919)
  158. Burrell, Moreton (1915-1919)
  159. Caldwell, William (1915-1919, 1940-1946)
  160. Cameron, Claude Ewen (1915-1919, 1941-1945)
  161. Carmichael, Ambrose Campbell (1915-1919)
  162. Carrodus, Joseph Aloysius (1915-1919)
  163. Cohen, Alroy Maitland (1915-1919, 1941-1942)
  164. Faithfull, Geoffrey Mervyn (1915-1919)
  165. Farrell, John (1915-1919)
  166. Fletcher, James Lionel (1915-1919)
  167. Foot, Cedric Mervyn (1915-1919)
  168. Forbes, Frederick William (1915-1919)
  169. Foster, Francis Henry (1915-1919)
  170. Francis, Stanley Charles (1915-1919)
  171. Green, Frank Clifton (1915-1919)
  172. Greive, Henry (Harry) (1915-1919)
  173. Harris, Clement Wallington (Clem) (1915-1919)
  174. Heffer, Thomas Baker (1915-1919)
  175. Henderson, Leonard Alston (1915-1919)
  176. Imlay, Norman George (1915-1919)
  177. Johnston, Charles Melbourne (1915-1919)
  178. Keesing, Gordon Samuel (1915-1919)
  179. Kelley, Ralph Bodkin (1915-1919)
  180. Lahey, Romeo Watkins (1915-1919, 1940-1943)
  181. Langley, George Furner (1915-1919, 1940-1944)
  182. Lennon, Austin (1915-1919)
  183. Mattner, Edward William (1915-1919, 1941-1942)
  184. McBride, William John (1915-1919)
  185. McInnis, Ronald Alison (1915-1919)
  186. McVilly, Cecil Leventhorpe (1915-1919)
  187. Menzies, Frank Gladstone (1915-1919)
  188. Page, Harold Hillis (1915-1919)
  189. Paterson, Andrew Barton (Banjo) (1915-1919)
  190. Pennefather, Hugh Frank (1915-1919)
  191. Pinches, Alfred Leslie (1915-1919)
  192. Potts, Arnold William (1915-1919, 1939-1945)
  193. Prior, Henry Kenneth (1915-1919)
  194. Ricketson, Staniforth (1915-1919)
  195. Rivett, Sir Albert Cherbury David (1915-1919)
  196. Robinson, Frederick Walter (1915-1919)
  197. Robinson, James Alexander (1915-1919)
  198. Rogers, John David (1915-1919, 1940-1945)
  199. Rudall, Reginald John (1915-1919)
  200. Sadlier, Clifford William King (1915-1919)
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